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Benefits of a Visual Timetable for Kids

by Saint Kian

The visual routine for kids is a popular method of teaching. It is especially widespread in teaching methods for kids with additional needs. A visual daily routine for kids is a day-to-day schedule that the kids can visualize. It is beneficial not only for children with special or additional needs but kids in general. The article highlights some of the top benefits of visual timetables for kids and the reasons that make the teaching method such a big hit among educators, parents, and children.

Helpful for kids in the spectrum

Kids with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) can benefit from visual daily routines as such schedules offer clarity. Children in the spectrum love to follow a set of routines that is definite and predictable, and thereby the visual timetable is a great help. When there is a set of cleat events laid out during the day or week, there is no element of surprise. This aids in eliminating their anxiety and stress and kids with ASD can be more prepared.

Furthermore, the visual timetable helps to render manageable, smaller steps. Since the routine is done visually, the kids can always refer back to the activities mentioned, and this proves to be a big advantage for them.

Encourages independence

When a visual timetable is presented in front of the kids, they are well aware of the activities that are meant to be done at a given time. The kids don’t need the assistance as they know what they should be and shouldn’t be doing. It won’t be wrong to mention that a visual daily routine for kids can aid in their independence. This enhances self-confidence because the kids gradually realize that they have the potential to complete activities and tasks on their own.

Controls unnecessary emotional responses

When kids are made to confront a visual schedule, it aids in making their day-to-day lives more of a routine than emotional desire. Thanks to the visual routine, children are aware of what is expected of them every day and there is no chance of any negotiation. Moreover, they become independent and don’t depend on anyone to tell them what to do at a given time. The visual routine makes them implement their daily activities without any questions and unnecessary emotional responses.

No anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress are not just a part of kids with Autism and other special needs. Even neurotypical kids go through stress and high levels of anxiety, especially when they are not emotionally ready to adopt a change in their daily schedules.

When a visual schedule is created for children they have a clear idea of the activities that they are expected to execute. This means that there is no unpredictability involved, which often is the prime reason for anxiety among kids. The best part is that creating a daily routine for kids means there is less conflict or arguments for trying to get things done. There is a precise schedule in front of them.

Easier transitions or changes in routine

Children usually hate when there are changes in their daily routine. They thrive on daily schedules and have challenges with transitions. When there is a visual schedule, it helps the kids recognize the day-to-day prescribed activities along with the changes that will take place over a day or a week. With this setup, the kids have an idea of the changes and transitions that will take place and help them prepare for it emotionally. Hence, kids will have lesser emotional meltdowns in the long run.

Time-lapse education

It is found that kids struggle with the ideas of time-lapse, “now”, “later”, and “after”. When they are engaged in their favorite activity or task, an hour might seem just fifteen minutes to them. The presence of a visual timetable can educate the kids on the concept of time-lapse. They can gradually comprehend “now”, “later”, and “after” concepts easily and thereby ease the emotional response. This means that kids will be able to have control over their tantrums and emotional meltdowns concerning time.

Values learning and responsibility

When students understand the concept of a visual timetable and how it functions, they start recognizing the value of responsibility and learning. They also start helping their parents, teachers, and others to create their daily routine for the day or week. Furthermore, kids also learn about implementing functional skills. The tasks can be created into smaller, manageable steps, helping to understand the basics of time management and mastering the skills.

Overall vocabulary and language development

Some children struggle with receptive and expressive speech. Such kids can benefit a lot from a visual timetable as it aids in reinforcing verbal instructions. Since visual schedules include words with pictures which helps in the development of their comprehension, vocabulary, and overall language. Hence, it is ensured that a visual daily routine for kids is highly beneficial for children, especially those with language and speech delays.

Retaining information is easier

The best aspect of a visual timetable is that it can be used anywhere and throughout the day. Some kids find it challenging to retail verbal information. A visual schedule can aid in reducing the stress on such kids to recall what is needed in the next step. The tasks can be broken down into multiple, manageable steps using the daily routine and also ensures that children follow regulations and deadlines.


A visual daily routine for kids encourages children to imbibe good habits. It sets an example to organize day-to-day tasks and be productive. Practicing good habits right from childhood can help eliminate stress and procrastination in the future. Furthermore, a visual timetable helps kids to focus on one task or activity at a time and move on to the next one only after the first one is completed. Over the years it has emerged as a consistent tool in supporting kids to learn better and adjust to the routine more efficiently. Apart from special education institutions, several mainstream schools have recognized the benefits of including a visual routine for educating kids.

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